Research and best practice suggest that meaningful discussions about education require those involved to speak a common language, albeit in different dialects. In appreciation of this precept, Education and Community Outreach offers contextually grounded programming for parents and caregivers under the auspices of Parent and Caregiver Education (PACE). Programming is without charge to schools, districts, and community-based organizations.
PACE workshops are custom designed to attend to audiences' unique needs in terms of content and delivery (face-to-face, blended/hybrid, and completely online). Each session is about an hour in duration and can be differentiated by age level (pre-kindergarten, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary) or tailored to meet the needs of multiage groups.
Workshops are augmented by short-form videos available for download from the Education Channel at University of California Television (UCTV) and companion guides that may be found at the University of California Professional Development Institute (UCPDI). These resources are also publicly available without cost.
PACE sessions include the following:
- STEAM for Pre-K and Kindergarten
- STEAM for Elementary Students and Parents
- STEAM for Middle / High School Students and Parents
- Creating an Effective Environment for Learning at Home
- Brain-Compatible Learning for Parents
- Social and Emotional Needs and Stress Reduction
- Working with Teachers and School Communities: Models for Communication
- Finding 'Flow' (Creativity, Persistence and Resilience)
- Head, Heart and Hands: Learning in and Through the Arts
- Understanding Next Generation Science Standards
- Understanding Common Core State Standards
- Learning Technologies and Remote Learning
- Adolescent Brain and Behavior
- Brave New Worlds: The Brain, Social Media and Gaming
- Holistic Learning (across grade levels)
- Effective Preparation for College and Career
- Supporting Literacy Development and Writing Effectiveness
- Understanding Giftedness, Talent and Dual Exceptionality
- Supporting Essential Skills for the 21st Century
- Demystifying the College Admissions Process